Brick Steps
Why It's Best?

Brick is a durable material for masonry walls that, if constructed properly and maintained, can last as long as the lifespan of the building.However, poor construction practices can lead to defects in the form of cracking, efflorescence and spalling, and defects can happen to both old and new construction. Fortunately, visual assessments of brick walls can provide valuable preliminary information regarding the integrity of the masonry and the structure behind it. This paper will discuss the characteristics of brick, typical defect patterns, and their causes.A stair-step crack is a diagonal crack but,since mortar is usually not as strong as concrete block or brick, the crack migrates to the mortar joints as it zigzags along a path of least resistance.Sometimes a stair-step crack will mostly follow themortar joints, then take a short-cut through a defective block or brick, before returning to the stair-step pattern. The crack can be caused mainly of salt applied during freezing time,shifting of the ground,not the inside right structure etc.